Our Appointment System





Patient Access

Book face-to-face or telephone appointments with your GP, nurse or clinician at a time that suits you.

Your details and information are protected by the highest standards of online
security, so all you need to worry about is what to do with the spare time you’ve



Problems booking online appointments?



Booking Appointments

  • Burnt Ash Surgery offer a full appointment service with Morning and Afternoon surgeries.
  • To book an appointment please telephone 0203 987 0277 or call into the surgery.
  • Alternately you can book your appointment online using Patient Access or The NHS App. You must be registered to use this service - Speak to the Reception team for further information.
  • For all non-emergency appointments we recommend you book in advance. The next routine appointments are usually within 7 - 10 working days.
  • If a Doctor requests you to come back for a follow up appointment, please ensure you make your appointment BEFORE leaving the surgery rather than calling on the day which you have been asked to come back. If you do not make an appointment before leaving the surgery you may not be guaranteed an appointment on the day.
  • We will always aim to book you in with a Doctor of your choice, should this Doctor be unavailable due to holidays or sickness, we will book you in with an alternative Doctor.

image representing booking appointment with GP


Interpreting Services

We offer an interpreting service patients whose first language is not English.

Please request this service when booking your appointment.

Please note: This service is only available for pre bookable appointments


Emergency Appointments

Our lines open at 8am each day for Emergency on the day appointments

If you feel that you have a medical emergency we advise that you call the surgery at 8am on the day Tel: 0203 049 2150. Alternatively you can use Patient Access or The NHS App from 6.30pm the day before to book an appointment for the following day.

All appointments are offered on a 'first come, first served' basis.

Should we be unable to offer you an appointment we may be able to offer you an appointment at Lewisham Extended Access service - Please speak to a Receptionist for further information.

You can also attend the NHS walk-in centre at New Cross GP Led walk in centre - Amersham Vale, SE14 6LD - Tel: 0203 049 2370

Please note that we cannot offer a choice of Doctor for urgent appointments.


Telephone Advice

Call: 0203 987 0277

Telephone advice is available for medical emergencies ONLY.

Calls for telephone advice are accepted between 8am - 2pm


Text Message Reminders

Please note: The practice will send text reminders to all patients with a valid mobile number.

Please notify the Receptionist if you wish to opt out of this service.


Cancel appointments you don't need