Burnt Ash Surgery and Downham Family Medical Practice

We are excited to announce that the proposed merger plans between Burnt Ash Surgery and Downham Family Medical Practice will now proceed. This merger aims to create a single patient list and form the Ashdown Medical Group. By combining our management and clinical teams, we can offer greater resilience and a wider range of services to our patients. Over the past two years, both practices have shared their values and commitment to high-quality clinical care, and we believe that this merger will enhance access and choice for our patients.

We acknowledge the rising pressures on General Practice resulting from an aging population, an increase in long-term conditions, and the transfer of more responsibilities from secondary care to the community. Although both practices have been performing well, they are experiencing strain. Merging our practices is the optimal solution to ensure we continue delivering innovative, sustainable, and high-quality service, while also enhancing patient access, choice, and availability at both sites.

What does the merger mean for patients?

· Improvements to the overall range and quality of services.

· Enhanced access to services.

· Increased availability of clinical staff.

· Greater patient choice and increased GP and nurse availability.

How will this merger affect my care?

· There will be no negative impact on the care you receive.

· You can continue to see your current doctor.

· You will have a wider choice of doctors.

· There will be no reduction in services at either practice, and both sites will remain open.

As we plan the merger, we are committed to keeping our patients fully informed about the progress and minimizing any inconvenience during the transition. Your feedback is crucial, and we are collaborating with Patient Participation Group members from both practices to shape how we will work together with patients, carers, and the community. For more information, please visit our websites or request a copy of our FAQs from your surgery. We value your opinions and have placed suggestion boxes at the reception desks where you can share your comments and feedback.

We invite you to a Q&A meeting on:

Monday 10th June 2024 6-8pm at Downham Family Medical Practice, BR1 5EP

If you are unable to attend but have questions, please contact the Practice Manager at selicb.g85057@nhs.net. Practice Merger Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/e/kpnQWyY0q7